Casino Winners - How Big Winners Win Big at the Casinos

 Once in a while you hear that someone just won big at the casinos. We all love winners, they seem to be a special breed. We edge nearer to him, hoping to get some more details surrounding his win. We want to know how much he won, what game he played, and how he did it, hoping that we could also win big like him.

First off, we will define big winning. What is a big win? Is 1,000 dollars big? How about 10,000 dollars... 100,000 dollars? That actually defends on the person concern because the same amount does not mean the same to all people. While 10,000 dollars maybe big for some, for others it is not. For the purpose of common reference, let us agree that big winning means winning ten times the playing capital. For example, if your playing capital is 1,000 dollars, and then you won 10,000 dollars, then it means you are a big winner. If your playing capital is 100 dollars and you win 1,000 dollars, then you are a big winner.

Now let me ask you... Have you already won ten times of your playing capital? If your answer is yes, then you have already tasted what it is like to be a big winner. Many gamblers have actually done it as it isn't difficult to achieve; the one difficult to achieve is, to win big consistently.

All math experts and self proclaimed gambling gurus believe that it is impossible to win consistently big. I can't blame them because they were oriented that way. They have closed their minds and there is no way you can change that. It needs miracle before these experts can finally break out from their belief, and finally shout to the whole world that it can be done.

Winning big, or to put it bluntly, winning big consistently, is not impossible to do. In my many years at the gambling scene, I could say with authority that it can be done, in fact, I have done that myself. And I know too, that there are a lot of people who are doing it this time at casinos all over the world.

These are the elements common to consistent big winners:

1. They know what game to play. Before they sit at a table, they are already masters of the game, having made a thorough study before hand.

2. They know how to bet. Many gamblers believe that they know how to bet, but actually only very few do. You think this is easy? It maybe easy but the fact is, most gamblers are not doing it.

3. And third, they know when to bet. Don't get me wrong here, but I mean just what I say... consistent big winners know that big winning calls for methodical timing.

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